Kada ste u Puli, radite to kao što su to radili Rimljani.
Otkrijte rimska čuda Pule i očaravajući Nacionalni park Brijuni – pravi dragulj u živopisnoj tapiseriji Istre. Bogata povijest Pule, ukrašena rimskim spomenicima poput kultnog amfiteatra, vraća vas u antički svijet.
Brijuni, hrvatski nacionalni park, nudi raznolika iskustva – bez obzira volite li dinosaure, botaniku, zoologiju, povijest ili golf. Nekadašnja ljetna rezidencija najmoćnijeg čovjeka u Jugoslaviji, ovaj otok čuva ogromnu arhivu koja rasvjetljava njegov život i neke od najutjecajnijih svjetskih ličnosti. Ukrcajte se na safari kako biste svjedočili bujanju divljih životinja i prošetali stopama dinosaura. Ovaj prekrasan otok očuvan kao nacionalni park, besprijekorno spaja prirodu, povijest i kulturu.
Približno trajanje: 8 sati. Uključuje privatni transfer, osobnog vodiča, javni brod do Nacionalnog parka Brijuni i najam golf vozila za istraživanje otoka.
Pula and Briuni national park, truly represent a gem in the colourful offer that Istria has. Rich history in Pula dating from Roman era with number of Roman monuments, most notably the amphitheatre, is guaranteed to bring you back in time to the ancient world and the wonders of the old world. Briuni, one of Croatias national parks is a special place that proudly boasts with various interesting experiences. This island offers something for everyone – palaeontologists (and enthusiasts that simply love dinosaurs) , botanists and zoologists, historians and even golfers. This once summer residence of Tito houses a vast archive that provides intricate insight into the life of most powerful man in Yugoslavia, his famous visitors from all over the world and his place in then remarkably divided world. Go on a safari and experience vast selection of wild life living and thriving on the island but don’t miss out on an opportunity to visit and walk in the footsteps on ones that came long before us… dinosaurs. This truly beautiful island without a doubt was rightfully so chosen as a residence where Tito spend a lot of time and welcomed dignitaries, celebrities and politicians from all over the world; but also chosen as a national park to ensure preservation of this unique blend of nature, history and culture.

Approx duration 8 hrs. Included private transfer, private guide, public boat to Brijuni national park, golf cart rental for touring on the sleep
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